This commit is contained in:
aleks 2023-01-20 19:07:42 +03:00
parent aa8f962b96
commit 4180e196a7
18 changed files with 17 additions and 588 deletions

.github/FUNDING.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# These are supported funding model platforms
github: # Replace with up to 4 GitHub Sponsors-enabled usernames e.g., [user1, user2]
patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
open_collective: ayer # Replace with a single Open Collective username
ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
tidelift: # Replace with a single Tidelift platform-name/package-name e.g., npm/babel
community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
name: Bug Report
about: Something isn't working as expected
title: ""
labels: Bug
assignees: ""
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,这将有助于我们进行调查。
## Issue Checklist <!-- 我确认我已经查看了 -->
<!-- Change [ ] to [x] to select (将 [ ] 换成 [x] 来选择) -->
- [ ] I am using [the latest]( version of hexo-theme-ayer.
- [ ] I have reviewed the latest Roadmap on GitHub and searched for current [Ayer Issues](, which does not help me.
## Expected behavior <!-- 预期行为 -->
## Actual behavior <!-- 实际行为 -->
<!-- Please provide at least one of the following information (请至少提供以下的一项信息) -->
- Links to demo site with this issue: N/A
- Links to repository or source code of the blog: N/A
## Steps to reproduce the behavior <!-- 重现步骤 -->
1. N/A
2. N/A
3. N/A
## Environment Information
### Node.js and NPM Information
<!-- Paste output from `node -v && npm -v` (粘贴 `node -v && npm -v` 输出的信息) -->
### Package dependencies Information
<!-- Paste output from `npm ls --depth 0` (粘贴 `npm ls --depth 0` 输出的信息) -->
### HTML Configuration
<!-- Paste configuration from HTML (粘贴 HTML 配置 中的内容) -->
## Other Information <!-- (Like Browser, System, Screenshots) -->

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
name: Feature Request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ""
labels: Feature Request
assignees: ""
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,这将有助于我们进行调查。
## Issue Checklist <!-- 我确认我已经查看了 -->
<!-- Change [ ] to [x] to select (将 [ ] 换成 [x] 来选择) -->
- [ ] I am using [the latest]( version of hexo-theme-ayer.
- [ ] I have reviewed the latest Roadmap on GitHub and searched for current [Ayer Issues](, which does not help me.
## Expected behavior <!-- 预期行为 -->
## Actual behavior <!-- 实际行为 -->
<!-- Please provide at least one of the following information (请至少提供以下的一项信息) -->
- Links to demo site with this feature: N/A
- Links to repository or source code of the blog: N/A
## Steps to reproduce the behavior <!-- 重现步骤 -->
1. N/A
2. N/A
3. N/A
## Other Information <!-- Like Browser, System, Screenshots -->

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
name: Other
about: Not a question, feature request or bug report
title: ""
labels: ""
assignees: ""
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,这将有助于我们进行调查。
## Issue Checklist <!-- 我确认我已经查看了 -->
<!-- Change [ ] to [x] to select (将 [ ] 换成 [x] 来选择) -->
- [ ] I am using [the latest]( version of hexo-theme-ayer.
- [ ] I have reviewed the latest Roadmap on GitHub and searched for current [Ayer Issues](, which does not help me.
## Other Information <!-- Like Browser, System, Screenshots -->

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
name: Question
about: I have a question for Ayer
title: ""
labels: Question
assignees: ""
Please follow this Issue template to provide relevant information, such as source code repositories, blog links, and screenshots, which will help us investigate.
请按照此 Issue 模版提供相关信息,例如源码仓库、博客链接和屏幕截图,这将有助于我们进行调查。
## Issue Checklist <!-- 我确认我已经查看了 -->
<!-- Change [ ] to [x] to select (将 [ ] 换成 [x] 来选择) -->
- [ ] I am using [the latest]( version of hexo-theme-ayer.
- [ ] I have reviewed the latest Roadmap on GitHub and searched for current [Ayer Issues](, which does not help me.
## Expected behavior <!-- 预期行为 -->
## Actual behavior <!-- 实际行为 -->
<!-- Please provide at least one of the following information (请至少提供以下的一项信息) -->
- Links to demo site with this issue: N/A
- Links to repository or source code of the blog: N/A
## Steps to reproduce the behavior <!-- 重现步骤 -->
1. N/A
2. N/A
3. N/A
## Environment Information
### Node.js and NPM Information
<!-- Paste output from `node -v && npm -v` (粘贴 `node -v && npm -v` 输出的信息) -->
### Package dependencies Information
<!-- Paste output from `npm ls --depth 0` (粘贴 `npm ls --depth 0` 输出的信息) -->
### HTML Configuration
<!-- Paste configuration from HTML (粘贴 HTML 配置 中的内容) -->
### Ayer Configuration
<!-- Paste configuration from Ayer (粘贴 Ayer 配置 中的内容) -->
## Other Information <!-- (Like Browser, System, Screenshots) -->

.github/config.yml vendored
View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# =============================================================================================== #
# Configuration for welcome -
# Comment to be posted to on first time issues
newIssueWelcomeComment: >
Thanks for opening this issue, maintainers will get back to you as soon as possible!
# Comment to be posted to on PRs from first time contributors in your repository
newPRWelcomeComment: >
Thanks so much for opening your first PR here!
# Comment to be posted to on pull requests merged by a first time user
firstPRMergeComment: >
Congrats on merging your first pull request here! :tada: How awesome!

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# This workflow will run tests using node and then publish a package to GitHub Packages when a release is created
# For more information see:
name: Node.js Package
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 12
- run: npm publish
NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.npm_token}}

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
language: node_js
node_js: node
npm: true
install: npm install
script: npm run test

View File

@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
# 侧边栏菜单 # 侧边栏菜单
menu: menu:
主页: / Главная: /
归档: /archives Архивы: /archives
分类: /categories Категории: /categories
标签: /tags Теги: /tags
旅行: /tags/旅行/
友链: /friends
关于我: /2019/about
# 站点次标题和打字动效 # 站点次标题和打字动效
# #
@ -223,22 +219,22 @@ gitalk:
# 3、Twikoo( # 3、Twikoo(
twikoo: twikoo:
enable: true enable: false
envId: # envId: #
# 首页广告配置 # 首页广告配置
# 可以根据需要自行增加ad_3ad_4...留空则不显示建议图片和url不要带ad等关键词否则可能会被adblock等插件屏蔽 # 可以根据需要自行增加ad_3ad_4...留空则不显示建议图片和url不要带ad等关键词否则可能会被adblock等插件屏蔽
ads: #ads:
ad_1: # ad_1:
title: 云服务器限时秒杀 # title: 云服务器限时秒杀
img: # img:
url: # url:
width: 300 # width: 300
ad_2: # ad_2:
title: vultr优惠vps # title: vultr优惠vps
img: # img:
url: # url:
width: 300 # width: 300
# 网站开启加密访问,密码可设置任何字符 # 网站开启加密访问,密码可设置任何字符
lock: lock:

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: Kategorien
search: Suche
tags: Tags
tagcloud: Tag Cloud
tweets: Tweets
prev: zurück
next: weiter
comment: Kommentare
archive_a: Archiv
archive_b: "Archive: %s"
page: Seite %d
recent_posts: letzter Beitrag
newer: Neuer
older: Älter
share: Teilen
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSS Feed
category: Kategorie
tag: Tag
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: Freunde
word_count: Wortzahl
read_time: Lesezeit
minutes: Minuten
reward: Belohnung
sticky: Oben
copyright_title: Copyright-Hinweis
copyright_content: Sofern nicht anders angegeben, liegt das Urheberrecht aller Artikel in diesem Blog beim Autor. Nachdruck bitte Quelle angeben!
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: Categorías
search: Buscar
tags: Tags
tagcloud: Nube de Tags
tweets: Tweets
prev: Previo
next: Siguiente
comment: Comentarios
archive_a: Archivos
archive_b: "Archivos: %s"
page: Página %d
recent_posts: Posts recientes
newer: Nuevo
older: Viejo
share: Compartir
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSS
category: Categoría
tag: Tag
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: Amigos
word_count: El recuento de palabras
read_time: Tiempo de lectura
minutes: minutos
reward: Recompensa
sticky: Arriba
copyright_title: Derechos de autor
copyright_content: Los derechos de autor son propiedad del autor. Para reimpresiones comerciales, comuníquese con el autor para obtener autorización. Para reimpresiones no comerciales, indique la fuente.
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: カテゴリ
search: 検索
tags: タグ
tagcloud: タグクラウド
tweets: ツイート
prev: 戻る
next: 次へ
comment: コメント
archive_a: アーカイブ
archive_b: "アーカイブ: %s"
page: ページ %d
recent_posts: 最近の投稿
newer: 次の記事
older: 前の記事
share: 共有
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSSフィード
category: カテゴリ
tag: タグ
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: 友達
word_count: 単語数
read_time: 読書の時間
reward: 報酬
sticky: 上へ
copyright_title: 著作権表示
copyright_content: 著作権は著者が所有しています。商業版の複製については、承認について著者に連絡してください。非商業版の複製については、出典を明記してください。
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: 카테고리
search: 검색
tags: 태그
tagcloud: 태그 클라우드
tweets: 트윗
prev: 이전
next: 다음
comment: 댓글
archive_a: 아카이브
archive_b: "아카이브: %s"
page: 페이지 %d
recent_posts: 최근 포스트
newer: 최신
older: 이전
share: 공유
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSS Feed
category: 카테고리
tag: 태그
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: 친구 들
word_count: 단어 수
read_time: 독서 시간
reward: 보상
copyright_title: 저작권 고지
copyright_content: 저작권은 저자가 소유합니다. 상업용 재 인쇄의 경우 승인을 위해 저자에게 문의하십시오. 비상업적 재 인쇄의 경우 출처를 명시하십시오.
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: Categorias
search: Buscar
tags: Tags
tagcloud: Nuvem de Tags
tweets: Tweets
prev: Anterior
next: Próximo
comment: Comentários
archive_a: Arquivos
archive_b: "Arquivos: %s"
page: Página %d
recent_posts: Postagens Recentes
newer: Mais Recente
older: Mais Antigo
share: Compartilhar
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: Feed RSS
category: Categoria
tag: Tag
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: Amigos
word_count: Word count
read_time: Reading time
minutes: min
reward: Donate
sticky: Sticky
copyright_title: direito autoral
copyright_content: Os direitos autorais são de propriedade do autor. Para reimpressões comerciais, entre em contato com o autor para obter autorização. Para reimpressões não comerciais, indique a fonte.
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: Thể loại
search: Tìm Kiếm
tags: thẻ
tagcloud: thẻ đám mây
tweets: Tweets
prev: trước
next: kế tiếp
comment: bình luận
archive_a: Archives
archive_b: "Archives: %s"
page: Page %d
recent_posts: Bài viết gần đây
newer: mới hơn
older: lớn hơn
share: chia sẻ
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSS Feed
category: Thể loại
tag: thẻ
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: Bạn
word_count: Đếm từ
read_time: Thời gian đọc
minutes: min
reward: tặng
sticky: dính
copyright_title: Bản quyền
copyright_content: Bản quyền thuộc sở hữu của tác giả. Đối với tái bản thương mại, xin vui lòng liên hệ với tác giả cho phép. Đối với tái bản phi thương mại, xin vui lòng cho biết nguồn.
lock_info: Please enter password
lock_error: Incorrect password, please try again
confirm_text: Ok
cancel_text: Cancel

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: 分类
search: 搜索
tags: 标签
tagcloud: 标签云
tweets: 推文
prev: 上一页
next: 下一页
comment: 留言
archive_a: 归档
archive_b: 归档:%s
page: 第 %d 页
recent_posts: 最新文章
newer: Newer
older: Older
share: 分享
powered_by: 由 %s 强力驱动
theme: 主题 - %s
rss_feed: RSS Feed
category: Category
tag: Tag
site_visitors: 访问人数
page_views: 浏览次数
friends: 友情链接
word_count: 字数统计
read_time: 阅读时长
minutes: 分钟
reward: 打赏
sticky: 置顶
copyright_title: 版权声明
copyright_content: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,著作权归作者所有。转载请注明出处!
lock_info: 请输入访问密码
lock_error: 密码错误,请重试
confirm_text: 确定
cancel_text: 取消

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
categories: 分類
search: 搜尋
tags: 標籤
tagcloud: 標籤雲
tweets: 推文
prev: 上一頁
next: 下一頁
comment: 留言
archive_a: 彙整
archive_b: 彙整:%s
page: 第 %d 頁
recent_posts: 最新文章
newer: Newer
older: Older
share: Share
powered_by: Powered by %s
theme: Theme - %s
rss_feed: RSS Feed
category: Category
tag: Tag
site_visitors: Visitors
page_views: Views
friends: 友情鏈接
word_count: 字數統計
read_time: 閱讀時長
minutes: 分鐘
reward: 打賞
sticky: 置頂
copyright_title: 版權聲明
copyright_content: 本博客所有文章除特別聲明外,著作權歸作者所有。轉載請註明出處!
lock_info: 請輸入訪問密碼
lock_error: 密碼錯誤,請重試
confirm_text: 確定
cancel_text: 取消

View File

@ -18,24 +18,9 @@ function hideWX() {
} }
function handleClick(type, opts) { function handleClick(type, opts) {
if (type === 'weibo') { } if (type === 'google') {
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generate('<%-sUrl%>&title=<%-sTitle%>&source=<%-sDesc%>', opts)
} else if (type === 'douban') {
generate('<%-sPic%>&href=<%-sUrl%>&name=<%-sTitle%>&text=<%-sDesc%>', opts)
} else if (type === 'qzone') {
generate('<%-sUrl%>&title=<%-sTitle%>&pics=<%-sPic%>&summary=<%-sDesc%>', opts)
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generate('<%-sUrl%>', opts)
} else if (type === 'twitter') {
generate('<%-sTitle%>&url=<%-sUrl%>', opts)
} else if (type === 'google') {
generate('<%-sUrl%>', opts) generate('<%-sUrl%>', opts)
} else if (type === 'weixin') {
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const share_init = () => { const share_init = () => {
let $sns = document.querySelectorAll('.share-sns'); let $sns = document.querySelectorAll('.share-sns');