
:desert_island: Ayer is a clean and elegant theme for Hexo, also responsive. If you have any queries or advice during the process of using, Please contact me! ### [Preview](https://shen-yu.gitee.io) ### [中文说明](https://shen-yu.gitee.io/2019/ayer/) ![Screenshot](screenshots/hexo-theme-ayer.png) ### Install ``` bash $ git clone https://github.com/Shen-Yu/hexo-theme-ayer.git themes/ayer ``` ### Enable Modify `theme` setting in `_config.yml` to `ayer` ``` yml theme: ayer ``` ### Update ``` bash cd themes/ayer git pull ``` ### Configuration let me know if you can’t find something. ``` yml # Menu-侧边栏菜单 menu: Home: / Archives: /archives Gallery: http://shenyu-vip.lofter.com Travel: /tags/旅行/ About: /2019/about # 网站图标和侧边栏logo favicon: /favicon.ico logo: /images/ayer-side.svg # 封面配置 # enable-是否启用封面;path-封面背景图;logo-封面logo cover: enable: true path: /images/cover1.jpg # images目录下附送多张美图,可更换 logo: /images/ayer.svg # 页面顶部进度条 progressBar: ture # 文章配置 # 文章太长,截断按钮文字(在需要截断的行增加此标记:) excerpt_link: Read More... # 文章分享文字 share_text: Share # 搜索文字 search_text: Search # 分页文字 nav_text: page_prev: Prev page page_next: Next page post_prev: Newer posts post_next: Older posts # 文章页是否显示目录 toc: true # 是否启用搜索 search: true # RSS订阅(先安装hexo-generator-feed插件,再去博客根目录config进行配置) rss: /atom.xml # 评论:1、Valine(推荐);2、Gitalk # 1、Valine[一款快速、简洁且高效的无后端评论系统](https://github.com/xCss/Valine) # 启用Valine必须先创建leancloud应用, 获取 id|key 填入即可 leancloud: enable: true app_id: # app_key: # # Valine配置 valine: enable: true # 是否启用 avatar: mp # 头像样式(https://valine.js.org/avatar.html) placeholder: 给我的文章加点评论吧~ # placeholder # 2、Gitalk(https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk) gitalk: enable: false # true clientID: # GitHub Application Client ID clientSecret: # Client Secret repo: # Repository name owner: # GitHub ID admin: # GitHub ID # fancybox(仅用于相册展示,若需要可配置albums) fancybox: true # 访问量统计(不蒜子) busuanzi: enable: true # 友盟cnzz统计(url填js代码src链接) cnzz: enable: true url: # # 数学公式 mathjax: true # 网站成立年份(默认为 2019,若填入年份小于当前年份,则显示为 2018-2019 类似的格式) since: 2019 #是否显示页脚信息(建议保留,有助于本主题的推广) pageFooter: true ``` ### Plugins + [hexo-generator-search](https://github.com/wzpan/hexo-generator-search) Local search ```yml $ npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save ``` Then add the plugin configuration for hexo's configuration file `_config.yml` (note: not the theme's configuration file): ```yml # Hexo-generator-search search: path: search.xml field: post format: html ``` + [hexo-generate-feed](https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed) RSS ```yml $ npm install hexo-generator-feed --save ``` Then add the plugin configuration for hexo's configuration file `_config.yml` (note: not the theme's configuration file): ```yml feed: type: atom path: atom.xml limit: 20 hub: content: content_limit: 140 content_limit_delim: ' ' order_by: -date ``` + [hexo-generator-index-pin-top](https://github.com/netcan/hexo-generator-index-pin-top) ``` bash $ npm uninstall hexo-generator-index --save $ npm install hexo-generator-index-pin-top --save ``` ### Post poster ``` md --- title: Post name photos: [ ["img_url"], ["img_url"] ] --- ``` ### Gallery Need to write in the head of the markdown, this is not a good way to write, I hope to get a better way to write on github. ``` md --- title: Gallery albums: [ ["img_url","img_caption"], ["img_url","img_caption"] ] --- ``` ### Toc Use Tocbot to parse the title tags (h1~h6) in the content and insert the directory. + ayer/_config.yml ``` bash # Toc toc: true ``` + If Toc is turned on in ayer/_config.yml, then Tocbot will generate a Toc article directory in the title tag of each blog parsing content, but not all blogs require Toc, so in the Front-matter section of markdown Can be closed: ``` md --- toc: false --- ``` --- Creative Commons License
Ayer by Eric-Shen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.